Paramore - Thick Skull Lyrics


Paramore - Thick Skull Lyrics

I am a magnet for broken pieces

I am attracted to broken people

I pick em up and now my fingers are bleeding 

And it looks like my fault

And it looks like I’m caught 


Hit over the head


Hit over the head


Thick skull never did 

Nothing for me

Same lesson again?

Come on 

Give it to me

Only I know where all the bodies are buried

Thought by now I’d find em just a little less scary

Might get easier but you don't get used to it

Keep on autopilot 



What’s the body count up to now captain? 

Hit over the head


Over my head


Thick skull never did

Nothing for me

Same lesson again?


Give it to me

Come on out with your hands up

I’m coming out with my hands up

Hit over the head


Over my head


Thick skull never did

Nothing for me

Same lesson again?


Give it to me

I pick em up and now my fingers are bleeding 

And it looks like I’m caught


Paramore - Thick Skull: Breakdown


The song depicts someone with a tendency to be drawn to people with problems ("broken pieces," "broken people"). This inevitably leads to getting hurt ("bleeding fingers"). The character feels blamed ("looks like my fault") and trapped ("red-handed").

Main Theme:

Self-destructive patterns in relationships. The cycle of being attracted to troubled people, getting hurt, and repeating the same mistakes.

Key Words & Meanings:

  • Broken pieces/people: People with problems or emotional baggage.
  • Bleeding fingers: Metaphor for getting hurt emotionally.
  • Red-handed: Caught in the act, feeling guilty.
  • Thick skull: Inability to learn from past mistakes.
  • Body count: Metaphor for past relationships that ended badly.
  • Captain: Reference to a leader, possibly a sarcastic self-reference to the person making these choices.

Emotional Analysis:

The song expresses frustration, self-blame, and a sense of being stuck in a loop. There's a mix of wanting to help others and a weariness from repeated pain.

Narrative Parts:

The verses describe the character's pattern of picking up "broken people" and the consequences. The chorus emphasizes the frustration of not learning from past mistakes ("Same lesson again?").

Core Message:

The song explores the difficulty of breaking free from unhealthy relationship patterns. It questions whether someone can learn to avoid getting hurt or if they're destined to repeat the cycle.

Psychological Analysis:

The lyrics suggest codependency or a "rescue fantasy" where the character seeks to fix others. The "thick skull" metaphor implies a resistance to self-reflection and the need to address the root cause of these choices.

Overall Message:

"Thick Skull" is a cautionary tale about the dangers of self-destructive patterns in relationships. It highlights the importance of self-awareness and learning from past experiences to break free from unhealthy cycles.

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