Sampha - Only (Official Video)
Sampha's forthcoming album LAHAI is out October 20th - available to pre-order now:
Only is out now:
– Sampha Live 2023 –
Tickets on-sale Friday 15th September at 10:00 AM local times.
Pre-sales begin at 10:00 AM local times on Wednesday, 13th September.
More info & sign up at
Satellite Business:
October 12 - London, UK - St John at Hackney Church
October 13 - London, UK - St John at Hackney Church
October 14 - London, UK - St John at Hackney Church
October 25 - Los Angeles, CA - Hollywood Palladium
Lahai Tour:
October 29 - San Francisco, CA - Regency Ballroom
November 1 - Chicago, IL - Vic Theatre
November 4 - Toronto, ON - Danforth Music Hall
November 7 - New York City, NY - Webster Hall
November 11 - Washington D.C. - Howard Theatre
November 13 - Philadelphia, PA - Franklin Music Hall
November 15 - Atlanta, GA - The Eastern
December 4 - Berlin, DE - Theater Des Westens
December 5 - Amsterdam, NL - Royal Theatre Carré
December 7 - Paris, FR - Cirque d'Hiver
New Sampha Merch available for pre-order at
Follow Sampha
/ sampha
/ satellitebusiness
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/ samphamusic
Director: Dexter Navy @dexternavy
Managing Director: Lindsay Turnham
Head of Production: Lucy Jones @lj0nes
EP: Tara Razavi @missrazavi
Prod Co: MJZ @mjzworldwide
Prod Co: Happy Place @happyplaceig
Producer: Theo Hue Williams @theohuewilliams
Commissioner: Scott Wright
Management: Hannah Partington @hannah_olxlo
DOP: Paul Guilhaume @paul__guilhaume
1AC: Jeff Vine @jeffvine
2AC: Tom Watson @tomwatsun
Trainee: Beri Golebiowska @berenikamedia
Key Grip: Tom North @thegripcompany
Grip: Billy Smith
Crane techm: Ross Bainbridge @reb123451
Camera Truck: On The Move
PD: Sarah Asmail @sarah.asmail
Prop Maker: Naomi Field @naomifeldstudio
Props: Lucia Barsegian @luciabarsegian
Props: Felix Villiers @catalogue_crepes
Construction: Cous de La c/o Toby Caldicott
Carpenter: George Bull @g.bull__
Carpenter: Sam Morris
SFX: Machine Shop @machineshopsfx
Prop Car Supplier: Cinemoto @cinemotohire
PC: Maggie Curwin @maggiecurwin
PA: Danait Yallow @danait_y
1AD: Zoe Liang @zoboliang
2AD: Eloise Loach @eloiseloach
AD Runner: Rosie Burt @rosieeeb
Runner: Michael Olatunji
Runner: Rudi Barrington @rudibarrington
Runner: Ervin Hajdarmata @ervinhajdarmata
Costume Designer: Verity May Lane @veritymaylane
Costume Stylist: Ellie Rimmer @ellie_r1
Costume Assistant: Dahlia Ichaou @goldiimochaa
Costume Intern: Ebony Aboagye @ebonyaboagye
MUA/ Hair Stylist: Lauraine Bailey @laurainebailey
Sampha stylist: Marq Rise @marq.rise
Gaffer: Steve Cameron @stevecameron
Electrician: Shaun Clarke @shaundclark
Electrician: Liam Quin
Trainee: Santiago Toranzo
Locations: Charles Somers Location @charlessomerslocations
LM: Brendan Hopkinson
Splitter Driver: John Oliver
Sound Op: Alessandra Fasto @gongirlz
Catering: Lords Catering @lordscatering
CD: Kharmel Cochrane @kharmelcochranecasting
Hero Girl CD: Bonnie Nolan @bonnienolan_
Dancer: Idrissa Camara @nkounde12
Hero Girl: Sienna King @siennawho
Camera House: Panavision @panavisionofficial
Grip Equipment: The Grip Company @thegripcompany
Lighting: SHL
Sound Designer: George Castle @gcastlesound
Sound Designer: James Benn @jim_db
SD House: No 8 @no8ldn
Colourist: Matt Turner @turners_colour
Colour House: Absolute @absolute_post
Colour Producer: Ollie Ireland @ollieireland
Film Processing and Scan: Cinelab @cinelabuk
#sampha #lahai #only
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