Söz :  Dildara Eyubova - Şöhret Memmedov

Beste :  Dildara Eyubova - Şöhret Memmedov

Yorumcu : Şöhret Memmedov  - Mustafa Ceceli

Aranjör :  Mustafa Ceceli


Bir zaman sevgidən sərxoş.

Bu həyat mənə gəlirdi xoş.

Sonradan anladım ki, dostum,

hər şey yalan, hər şey boş.


Varsa eşq biri gəlsin aparsın!

sağalır yaralar, yenidən qoparsın!

Varsa eşq göstərsin ədalət!

Kim edir xəyanət, qoy çəksin xəyanət!


Xəyanət edilmir səhvən.

Bu qədər olanlara rəğmən,

Bir şeydən qorxuram dostum

Yenə kimsə alar məni məndən.



Söz: Alper Narman, Ozan Bayraşa, Mert Çodur, Ömer Ak...

Müzik: Alper Narman, Ozan Bayraşa, Mert Çodur

Mart 2022 Boz Production


Yapımcı: Murat BOZ

Dağıtım: DMC – Doğan Music Company


Cennetten bir parça

Nasıl güvenmez insan

Pelerin gibi örtsen beni

Hiç de bir şeyden korkmam


Yavaş yavaş ısınsana, alış bana

Serin serin, derin derin karış bana


Rüzgarı avla,

Dümenini rüzgara bağla

Oyununu oyna

Yenilmem asla

Kor gibi kumlar

Bilemem kim kimi sollar

Çağırır beni yollar


Harbi güzel (gel)

Su güzel de (üfle)

Yüreğimde sönmeyen alev

Deryada denizde

Bedenin de ötesinde

Çıldırtan yanı arkadaş harbi güzel



Söz: Gülşen Bayraktar

Müzik: Gülşen Bayraktar

Düzenleme: Ozan Çolakoğlu


Gülşen'in DMC etiketi ile yayınlanan "Lolipop" adlı teklisi


Kaçtıkça giriyorum çekimine

Sanki giymişim ateşten elbise

Sen bir hata olsan ben bin kere yaparım

Korkulu rüyalarımın sahibi

Oyna duygularımın ol katili

Kollarınsa eğer cezaevi ben yatarım


Dudaklar lolipop al

Kucaklar dolusu love

İstemem altınlar pırlantalar

İsterim ooo


Ben bir tek seni

Tek seni tek seni

Aşkımla ölçülemez hiçbir money

Oh mommy so yummy

Aslında gitsek ya biz daha ileri

Daha ileri az daha ileri



My love

İçim dışım love

I love, I love

İşim gücüm yok başkalarıyla


Söndürülmez bu ateş sularla



My love

Bak yaklaşıyor bir cisim iddiayla

Bildiklerini unut sırayla

Çarpışmalarımız itinayla



Dudaklar lolipop al

Kucaklar dolusu love

İstemem altınlar pırlantalar

İsterim ooo


Ben bir tek seni

Tek seni tek seni

Aşkımla ölçülemez hiçbir money

Oh mommy so yummy

Aslında gitsek ya biz daha ileri

Daha ileri az daha ileri


Cem Belevi & İrem Derici - Belki Lyrics



Söz ve Müzik Kime Ait: Cem Belevi

Düzenleme: Mustafa Ceceli


Ben öyle sevdim, küçük bir çocuk gibi

Güvendim, bir sözüne gözlerine yenildim

Sen kaderin bildin ama yalnızlığımla


Arkadaş oldum, unutmadım

Aşk misafirmiş, ağırladım

Ne şarkılarda andım seni

Ne sözler yazdım


Belki, haberin bile yok

Belki, daha dinlemedin

Belki, seneler gördüm senden sonra

Aşkım demedim




Mart 2022 GARAJ



Söz: Murat Çeilk

Müzik: Murat Çelik


Sana uzaktan bakıyor artık gözlerim

Gönlüm senden geçmez

Bana döndü hep sözlerim


Unutmak o kadar kolay mı sandın?

Ayrılık bana aşktır artık


Dağılmış saçlarım

Gönlünün yatağına


Sabah olsun ben giderim

Sen kal rüyamda


Aramak o kadar kolay mı sandın?

Yolların bana aşktır artık

Ah gitmek o kadar kolay mı sandın?

Yolların bana aşktır artık


Sesim bende bir yabancı gibi


Gönlümün takvimine şiir oldu yüzün



Ah bulmak o kadar kolay mı sandın?

Aramak bana aşktır artık



Söz: Ali Tosun

Müzik: Ali Tosun


Renksiz hayaller dolu dökülen gözyaşlarım

Ezikliği kalbimde yaşanmış tüm aşkların

Tüm acı anıları bana bırakıp gitme

Beni bana ver artık peşinden sürükleme


Duymak istiyorum, duymak istiyorum

Kalbimde ruhunu duymak istiyorum

Görmek istiyorum, görmek istiyorum

Gözümde gözünü görmek istiyorum


Duyabilsem kalbini, okuyabilsem seni

Sessiz feryatlarını, acı ağıtlarını

Tüm haykırışlarını hissetmek istiyorum

Sana yaklaşıp senle ölmek istiyorum


İncitme kalbimi bırakıp gitme

Sana kendimi verdim beni yok etme

N'olur suskun durma bir şeyler söyle

Karanlığın içinde kaybolma öyle



Söz: Orhan Atasoy

Müzik: Ercüment Vural, Orhan Atasoy


Bir an için çıksan hayatımdan

Yanık tenli omuzumdan

Kurtulsam maziden, uzaklarda

Şu anda yanımda


Şu sonlu ömrümde, şu kısıtlı benimde

Kafesteki kuş misali uçmaz oldu

Aşkım, aşkım


Sen geçerken sahilden sessizce

Gemiler kalkar yüreğimden gizlice


Bir an için çıksan hayatımdan

Yanık tenli omuzumdan

Kurtulsam geçmişten, uzaklarda

Şu anda yanımda


Deniz rüzgara karışmış güneşte

Martılar uçardı o yeşil gözlerde

Sıcak kumlu o ellerde, dalga sesleri vardı

Gülüşlerde, gülüşlerde



Söz: Barlas Erinç

Müzik: Barlas Erinç


Biz yarası gibiyim o temiz ellerinde

Dil yarası gibiyim o mahzun sözlerinde

Kal deme hiç, bunu benden isteme

Sus bu gece

Bana aşktan sakın hiç bahsetme


Dur bu gece

Bana dokunma, beni delirtme

Sana boşuna

Umut vermek istemem


Çağıran bir şeyler var

Hep beni uzak şehirlerde

Bana ait bir şeyler var

O sert gülüşlerde


Sen yine olduğun gibi kal

Benim için sakın değişme

Giderim bugün ha yarın

Hareket vakti gelince


Sen yine olduğun gibi kal

Misafirim bu şehirde

Bir el sallarsın yeter

Hareket vakti gelince


Mum gibiyim senin ışıl ışıl gözlerinde

Kum gibiyim uçsuz bucaksız o çöllerinde

Kış gibiyim yakan yaz güneşinde

Hırsız gibiyim kadehteki o ruj izlerinde


Dil gibiyim yanağındaki o beninde

Kal deme hiç bunu benden isteme



Söz: Bülent Ortaçgil

Müzik: Bülent Ortaçgil


Seni sevdiğimi anladığım günden beri

Sesler değişti, renkler değişti

Yüzümdeki çizgiler başkalaştı

Geçmişim değişti, oyunlaştı


Yeşilin ortasında gelincik gibi

İnceleşti, yabancılaştı

Siste bağıran vapur düdükleri gibi

Geliyor muyuz, gidecek miyiz yoksa

Çığlık çığlığa


Seni sevdiğimi anladığım günden beri

Hiçlik değişti, yokluk değişti

Karşılıksızlık dengeleşti

Günler değişti, sana dönüştü


Nasıl gördüğün düşü yeniden istersen

Nasıl bir yılgınlıktır sabah zilleri

Zamanı gelince nasıl terk eder kuşlar

Kaçıyor muyuz, kalacak mıyız yoksa

Çığlık çığlığa


Seni sevdiğimi anladığım günden beri

Yüzler değişti, dostlar değişti

Yorgun sokaklar bile karşı çıktılar

Adresler değişti, evler değişti


Seni sevdiğimi anladığım günden beri

Gökyüzü değişti, geceler değişti

Çocuklar bile bana çiçek diye baktılar

Yaşıyor muyuz, unutacak mıyız yoksa

Çığlık çığlığa



Söz: Ercüment Vural

Müzik: Ercüment Vural


Özlediğim bir sen varsın

Bir de o saf çocukluğum

Bana kalsa büyümezdim

Belki ondan burukluğum


Yağmur düşer kirpiklerime

Ağlardım sebepsizce

Buhar olurdu soluklarım

Resim çizerdim pencereme

Ellerime dolardım

Tutam tutam saçlarını

Söyleyecek laf bulamaz

Tekrarlardım adını



Söz: Mehmet Teoman

Müzik: Vedat Sakman


Yeni tanıştık belki de

Ama kim bilir belki de hep vardın

Eşlik ediyordun sessiz ve sinsice, belki de

Şimdi şimdi anlıyorum

Kurnazca ayırdın beni belki de

Lime lime savurdun sevdiklerimi belki de


Yalnızlığım; yaşamak zorunda

Olduğum beraberliğimsin


Sen benim çaresizliğimsin

Yalnızlığım;?bugünüm, yarınım

Sen?benim hüzünlerimsin

Yalnızlığım; tek bilebildiğim

Sen benim vazgeçilmezimsin


Senin olmamı istedin

Ama belki de bir âşık gibi

İnatla bunca zaman

Kendine sakladın belki d?

Bir tohum gibi serpildin filizlendin

Ben oldun b?lki de

Yatağımı bile paylaşabilmek için, benimle



Söz: Murat Yılmazyıldırım

Müzik: Murat Yılmazyıldırım


Al götür aşklarımı, beni ört dalgalara

Kuşlar geçecek içinden

Açık bırak bu akşam, kapıları

Sevişince ölümle kalpler

Gül kanayacak geceye, ağlamadan


Yakın gel gülen mor yel

Yakın gel kara düşlerime

Ateşler at üşüyen bedenime, uykulara yat

Yakın gel uçan mor yel

Çünkü uykular çok güzel


Al götür düşlerimi

Beni göm dalgalara

Sözler girecek içinden

Özgür bırak bu akşam, acıları

Öpüşünce şarkımla diller

Gül kuruyacak geceye, ağlamadan



Söz: Cenk Taner

Müzik: Cenk Taner


Ne yemek var, ne uyku

Sadece kemiren kuşku

Kaybettim, tamam kabul

Kafam batı, yüreğim doğu


Bir gün anlarsın

Başka bir şehirde

Belki başka biriyle beraberken

Bir gün yanarsın

Yoğun iş gününde

Son taksitleri öderken


Dön geriye affet beni

Nasıl da zor söyledim bak bu cümleyi

Sen iyi bilirsin ben en çok seni sevdim


Saat çaldı isyan var

Açıl gözlerim açıl, gün?ş var

Acılar sever bizi, bu kadar yet?r

Bu kadar yeter



Söz: Hüsnü Arkan

Müzik: Hüsnü Arkan


Bugün güneş doğmayacak

Bugün sen çok öleceksin

Biraz düşlerine eğil

Orda bir şey bulacaksın

Bugün unut mavileri

Çiçeğe su verme unut

Biraz daha sen olursun

Kalbindeki rengi büyüt


Her aşk kendini yaşar

Çaldığın kapı kapanır sonunda

İçinde bir sen bulursun

Büyümüş, anlamış, yorgun


Ah aman aman küçüğüm

Bu yol sana gidiyor

Ah aman, aman aman küçüğüm

Bu yol sana gidiyor


Senin küçük baharında

Unuttuğun bir şeyler var

Gelir geçer sokaklardan

Sokaklara girer çıkar

Mavi penceresinde gün

Telaşlı rengârenk kuşlar

Kanatlarında bir alev

Düşlerine konar kalkar



"Roots In My Boots"


Walking down the city streets into the glaring light, glaring light

The girls got me rocking this red hot summer night, summer night

I walk up to the Monkey Bar for a drink or two, a drink or two

The way you dance helps me to forget the reason I feel blue

Oh yeah


I feel the roots in my boots every move I make

I feel the roots in my boots, whatever comes my way

I feel the roots in my boots when the music rocks

It's simply in my blood


They take me to the place where the night is screaming hot, screaming hot

Where the good life shines a light and the party never stops, never stops

I live my life to the fullest, here comes another show, another show

And it's always just hit and run, but never time to go

Oh no


I feel the roots in my boots every move I make

I feel the roots in my boots, whatever comes my way

I feel the roots in my boots when the music rocks

It's simply in my blood


I live my life to the fullest, here comes another show, another show

And it's always just hit and run, but never time to go

Oh no


I feel the roots in my boots every move I make

I feel the roots in my boots, whatever comes my way

I feel the roots in my boots when the music rocks

It's simply in my blood



"Gas In The Tank"


Pour hammer riffs all over me

A little dirty, a little cheap

Move your fingers up and down the fret

The V is flyin' without a net


Black me in and black me out

The king of riffs is back in town

Who is up for a deadly sting?

Black me out and black me in


Let's play it louder, play it hard

Laid back and a little dark

Give me a dirty riff, my friend

There's gotta be more gas in the tank


Gas in the tank


Sign your name across my skin

We're born to lose, we live to win

There's lots of gas in my Trans Am

It's wham bam, thank you mam


Pour hammer riffs all over me

A little dirty, a little cheap

Only rock and no bling bling

Black me out and black me in


Let's play it louder, play it hard

Laid back and little dark

Give me a dirty riff, my friend

There's gotta be more gas in the tank


Louder, play it hard

Best friends will never part

So give me a dirty hook, my friend

There's gotta be more gas in the tank


You want it louder?

(Yeah, yeah)


(Yeah, yeah)

You want it louder?

(Yeah, yeah)

So much louder

(Yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah

Yeah, yeah)


Let's play it louder, play it hard

Laid back and little dark

Give me a dirty riff, my friend

There's gotta be more gas in the tank


Louder, play it hard (Play it louder)

Best friends will never part (Will never part)

So give me a dirty hook, my friend (A dirty hook, my friend)

There's gotta be more gas in the tank


Gas in the tank

G-G-Gas in the tank

Lots of gas in the tank



"Rock Believer"


I'm a rock believer


You start to crawl until you walk

You make a scream and learn to talk

You discover life on every day

From the first day you were born

You walked a lifeline of your own

And if you always keep the faith


No one can take your dreams away

In the ruins of their souls

You saw the beauty of it all

Simply a generation change


How our fathers came with steal

But we came back to make you feel

Our love in every song we play


Scream for me, screamer

I'm a rock believer like you

Just like you

Come on, scream for me, screamer

I'm a rock believer like you

Just like you


We go from here to everywhere

So many moments that we share

All boarded up, we give and take

Love came to me so many ways

No matter what some haters say

No one can take our dreams away


Scream for me, screamer

I'm a rock believer like you

Just like you

Come on, scream for me, screamer

I'm a rock believer like you

Just like you


Scream, scream, scream

(I'm a rock believer)

Scream, scream, scream

(I'm a rock believer)


No one can take our dreams away

No one can take our dreams away


Scream for me, screamer

I'm a rock believer like you

Just like you

Come on, scream for me, screamer

I'm a rock believer like you

Just like you


Scream, scream, scream

(I'm a rock believer)

Scream, scream, scream

(I'm a rock believer)

Scream, scream, scream

(I'm a rock believer)

Scream, scream, scream



"Shining Of Your Soul"


In the backyard of my soul

There's a tiny little hole

And that's where all the trouble goes

Where all the trouble goes


In the center of my heart

There's a place that keeps you warm

That's where all my loving goes

Where all my loving goes


When love has a meaning, a true loving feeling

How can I be sure?

I can't stop believing, it's more than a feeling

And when you come through the door

I see the shining of your soul


In the backyard of my soul

Lies the answer to it all

It's a long, long way to go

Such a long, long way to go


When love has a meaning, a true loving feeling

How can I be sure?

I can't stop believing, it's more than a feeling

And when you come through the door

I see the shining, I see the shining of your soul


Shining of your soul (shining of your soul) shining of your soul

Shining of your soul (shining of your soul) see the shining of your soul

Shining of your soul (shining of your soul, shining of your soul)

Shining of your soul (shining of your soul) see the shining of your soul


When love has a meaning, a true loving feeling

How can I be sure?

I can't stop believing, it's more than a feeling

And when you come through the door

I see the shining of your soul


You shine, shine, shine

You shine, shine, shine

When you come through the door, oh

I see the shining of your soul

Of your soul



"Seventh Sun"


A child is born, a man has died

A mother sings a lullaby

The world belongs to the young ones

Take your dreams and find the seventh sun


A blackbird sings a melody

As innocent as it can be

Your inner freedom's shining on

Take your love and find the seventh sun


Your innermost freedom's shining on

To lead the way to the seventh sun


Sun is throwing shadows

You're burning if you come too close

Even if your soul is old

A million years

Time traveler, here and now

The ones who are gone are still around

Your heart and soul will be one

In the seventh sun

In the seventh sun

In the seventh sun


Your inner freedom's shining on

To lead the way to the seventh sun


A child is born, a man has died

A time of joy, a time to cry

The voice of love's the only one

Your soul will always shine in the seventh sun

In the seventh sun

In the seventh sun

In the seventh sun


Your innermost freedom's shining on

To lead the way to the seventh sun


Sun is throwing shadows

You're burning if you come too close

Even if your soul is old

A million years

Time traveler, here and now

The ones who are gone are still around

Your heart and soul will be one

In the seventh sun


Your innermost freedom's shining on

To lead the way to the seventh sun


Sun is throwing shadows

You're burning if you come too close

Even if your soul is old

A million years

Time traveler, here and now

The ones who are gone are still around

Your heart and soul will be one

In the seventh sun

In the seventh sun

In the seventh sun

Yeah, in the seventh sun

Oh yeah, in the seventh sun

In the seventh sun



"Knock 'em Dead"


Alligators in the loo

42nd Street's a zoo

Stretch limousines invade the city

Down and dirty looks so pretty


Knock 'em dead, knock 'em dead

Don't let the fame go to your head

Knock, knock, knock 'em dead

We want it all and nothing less

Knock 'em dead, knock 'em dead

It feels so good to be bad


Out in the jungle in the heat

Don't walk the wrong side of the street

Oh, yeah

The coolest garden is a square

You smell the big time in the air


Knock 'em dead, knock 'em dead

Don't let the fame go to your head

Knock, knock, knock 'em dead

We want it all and nothing less

Knock 'em dead, knock 'em dead

Knock, knock, knock 'em dead

It feels so good to be bad


Can hear the echoes from the walls

The big apple never sleeps at all

Hey, now you're competing with the best

Show them you're better, better than the rest


Knock 'em dead, knock 'em dead

Don't let the fame go to your head

Knock, knock, knock 'em dead

We want it all and nothing less

Knock 'em dead, knock 'em dead

Knock, knock, knock 'em dead

It feels so good to be bad


Go knock 'em dead



"Hot And Cold"


You're moving fast, moving slow

To make the cats' eyes glow

It seems your legs own this place

No doubt you've got what it takes


I've got a fever, a hundred degrees

I've got a fever, won't you help me please?


I've got a fever, hot and cold

When I think of you

Hungry eyes stare at you

Watching the things you do


Come on, baby, dance for me

Like a shot, prescription free

You give it all for the screaming crowd

On the pole around and 'round


I've got a fever, a hundred degrees

A crazy fever, won't you help me please?


I've got a fever, hot and cold

When I think of you

Hungry eyes stare at you

Watching the things you do


I've got a fever, hot and cold

When I think of you

Hungry eyes stare at you

Watching the things you do


I'm burning hot, freezing cold

And all I want is you

Hungry eyes stare at you

Watching the things you do


The crazy things you do

I love the things you do



"When I Lay My Bones To Rest"


Here comes a brother from another mother

Storming out into the light

We're speeding up the pace, cutting to the chase

It's gonna be a hell of a ride


Hey, let's rock it, hey, let's rock it, hey

Friends will be friends

Hey, let's rock it, hey, let's rock it, hey

You gotta raise your hands

Let me see your hands


Here comes a brother from another mother

Ready for the Scorpions dance

We're rocking out for days, no limit anyways

You cannot stop a Mercedes Benz


Hey, let's rock it, hey, let's rock it, hey

Friends will be friends

Hey, let's rock it, hey, let's rock it, hey

Here comes the gang

Watch out for the gang


Rising to the top

I'm giving it all I've got

Someday, I'm up there with the best

When I lay my bones to rest

When I lay my bones to rest

When I lay my bones, lay my bones

Lay my bones to rest


Here comes a brother from another mother

The bad boys are running wild

Around the world again, catch me if you can

We gotta keep the spirit alive


Hey, let's rock it, hey, let's rock it, hey

Friends will be friends

Hey, let's rock it, hey, let's rock it, hey

You gotta raise your hands

I wanna see your hands


Rising to the top

I'm giving it all I've got

Someday, I'm up there with the best

When I lay my bones to rest

When I lay my bones to rest

When I lay my bones, lay my bones

Lay my bones to rest


Rising to the top

I'm giving it all I've got

Someday, I'm up there with the best

When I lay my bones to rest

When I lay my bones to rest

When I lay my bones, lay my bones

Lay my bones to rest





We could turn another page

Keep the lions in the cage

The battlefield is bleeding red

Land of glory, monster dead

Into a world without frontiers

With no hate, regret or fears

We'll burn to ashes in a flash

If we don't change, we're gonna crash


Peacemaker, peacemaker

Bury the undertaker

Peacemaker, peacemaker

Black horses ride

Peacemaker, peacemaker

Bury the undertaker

Peacemaker, peacemaker

Last exit life


The evil monster is still alive

Even after all this time

It's been written in the stars

Forever love, stop the war

A ray of light is shining down

Tomorrow's 'round the corner now

Now the future's in your hands

Do you remember? Yes, we can


Peacemaker, peacemaker

Is there a better life

Peacemaker, peacemaker

Under the sun

Peacemaker, peacemaker

There ain't no paradise

Peacemaker, peacemaker

For anyone


Peacemaker, peacemaker

Bury the undertaker

Peacemaker, peacemaker

Black horses ride

Peacemaker, peacemaker

Bury the undertaker

Peacemaker, peacemaker

Last exit life

Last exit life


"Call Of The Wild"


Hear the call of the wild, girl

The call of the wild

I wanna spend the night, yeah

Right by your side

Can you read my mind, girl?

Oh yes, I promise I

I will treat you right, girl

In this hot summer night


Getting lost in the jungle, babe

In the shade of the night

You've got the funky rhythm, girl

I've got the rocking drive

Hear the call of the wild, yeah

The call of the wild

Out for a love drive

In this hot summer night


Just follow the night, follow the night, follow the night

Follow the night, the call of the wild, follow the night


Tell your mom you're a good girl

That makes the angels smile

The moon is shining bright, yeah

When I make you mine

Hear the call of the wild, yeah

The call of the wild

It's gonna be alright, girl

In this hot summer night


Just follow the night, follow the night, follow the night

Follow the nigh into the light, follow the night

Just follow the night, follow the night, follow the night

Follow the night, the call of the wild, follow the night


You've got the look that is poison all the way

I'm on my knees, I surrender to my fate

We can run, we can hide, but it's in vain

Because this night was made

For the sinners and the saints

For the sinners and the saints


Just follow the night, follow the night, follow the night

Hear the call of the wild

Follow the night into the light, follow the night

The call of the wild

Just follow the night, follow the night, follow the night

Hear the call of the wild

Follow the night, the call of the wild, follow the night

The call of the wild


Wild, wild, wild, wild


Hear the call of the wild

Hear the call, hear the call, hear the call

Hear the call of the wild

Yeah, yeah


Hear the call of the wild

Uh uh uh uh

Oh yeah



"When You Know (Where You Come From)"


With your head up in the clouds

You try to win the race

You're the leader of the pack


The candle keeps burning from both ends

Until it's blowing out with a bang


When you think you know the game

You don't know anything at all

You cross the red line once again

Free fall

Hope you've learned your lesson well my friend

'Cause there will always be a second chance


When you know where you come from

You know where you're going

Just because you're a child of your time

When you know where you come from

You back down for no one

Just be true to yourself, it's your life


With your head up in the clouds

Your angels by your side

Someone up there keeps your dreams


The candle keeps burning from both ends

And the road calls your name once again


When you know where you come from

You know where you're going

Just because you're a child of your time

When you know where you come from

You back down for no one

Just be true to yourself, it's your life

Just be true to yourself, it's your life


And you keep driving down the highway of your life

There is no exit sign at all

There is a warning light that's flashing all the time

And only you can stop your downfall


When you know where you come from

You know where you're going

Just because you're a child of your time

When you know where you come from

You back down for no one

Just be true to yourself, it's your life


Just be true to yourself, it's your life

Just be true to yourself, it's your life



"Shoot For Your Heart"


This is the beginning

Hell's bells are ringing

This is the start

We came to shoot for your heart


Up and away far away

Stayed up all night, slept all day

The gang is back in town

And the girls are melting down


Up and away, I've heard them say

"Crazy spiders are on their way"

Electrified from head to toe

Fired up, ready to go


This is the beginning

Hell's bells are ringing

This is the start

We came to shoot for your heart


Lights go down, the pulse goes up

When baby, we're about to rock

We live it up tonight, you bet

I can sleep when I'm dead


Living free like a bird

Heaven is a place on earth

Can't find the door to say goodbye

Maybe tomorrow but not tonight

Not tonight


This is the beginning

Hell's bells are ringing

This is the start

We came to shoot for your heart

This is the beginning

Losers are winning

This is the start

We came to shoot for your heart


Monday morning, I come crawling

Out of my bed, the living dead

Monday morning, voices calling

Inside my head, just bring me back

Just bring me back, just bring me back again

Just bring me back


This is the beginning

Hell's bells are ringing

This is the start

We came to shoot for your heart

This is the beginning

Losers are winning

This is the start

We came to shoot for your heart



Shoot, oh yeah

Shoot (Shoot), yeah

Shoot, shoot, shoot

We came to shoot for your heart



"When Tomorrow Comes"


Good morning world

How do you feel?

You look so tired

Sometimes I think you're gonna stop

Turning 'round

Who's to blame but us

When half the planet caught on fire

And one more spark seems enough

To burn it down


Good morning world

How do you feel?

You look so sad

The clock is ticking

And precious time will fade away

Oh, the cyber war

A dirty ocean, the climate change

When tomorrow comes we'll pay the price

For today


See the writing on the wall

(The future calls)

Can I trust fate anymore?

(The world is yours)

Young is old and old is young

(You are the ones)

Call me when tomorrow comes

(When tomorrow comes, when tomorrow comes)


Good morning world

How do you feel?

You look so angry

Sometimes I think

You're gonna stop turning 'round

Who's to blame but us?

When half the planet's shut down

When the number of the dead

Still explodes


See the writing on the wall

(The future calls)

Can I trust fate anymore?

(The world is yours)

Young is old and old is young

(You are the ones)

Call me when tomorrow comes

(When tomorrow comes)


When tomorrow comes

When tomorrow comes

When tomorrow comes

When tomorrow comes



"Unleash The Beast"


We walk the line of good and bad

We have a laugh and we are sad

No matter if you're rich or poor

You can run but there's no cure

You can run but there's no cure


A time to rise, a time to fall

Who saw the writing on the wall?

One last kiss to wake the lust

A super spread kills all of us

A super spread kills all of us


Unleash the beast in the east

Says the rhythm to the beat

Diving down into the deep

Sharks are coming, sharks are coming

When you bleed


Spread your wings, little bird

Time has come to save the world

Look in the mirror, what do you see?

A hurting soul, a human being

A hurting soul, a human being


Spread the message, love rules

Let's turn around this ship of fools

We keep on dancing in the dust

Some stay alive and some are lost

Some stay alive and some are lost


Unleash the beast in the east

Says the rhythm to the beat

Diving down into the deep

Sharks are coming, sharks are coming

When you bleed


Unleash the beast



Unleash the beast in the east

Says the rhythm to the beat

Diving down into the deep

Sharks are coming when you bleed


Unleash the beast in the east

Says the rhythm to the beat

Diving down into the deep

Sharks are coming, sharks are coming

When you bleed



"Crossing Borders"


Restless nights

Up for a ride

Out of the shadow

Into the light

I chase my luck

I live my dream

The engine's screaming

"Set me free"


Hot wheels on fire

Come on, Lucille

Jump the backseat

On my horse of steel


Cheer me up

Don't bring me down

Don't you let it go

We're gonna rock this town


Crossing borders

Crossing borders

Come on, baby

I'll take you 'cross the line


Oh yeah

That's right


Hold on tight

Let's slip 'n' slide

Ain't got no limit

To rock the night

A hot desire

A badass dream

The motor's dirty

The engine's clean


Cheer me up

Don't bring me down

Don't you let it go

We're gonna rock this town


Crossing borders

Crossing borders

Come on, baby

I'll take you 'cross the line


Cheer me up

Don't bring me down

Don't you let it go

We're gonna rock this town


Crossing borders

Crossing borders

Come on, baby

I'll take you 'cross the line



Across the line

Across the line

Across the line

Across the line

You'll see, c'mon, baby

Across the line

Woo woo woo

Yeah, across the line



"When You Know (Where You Come From) (Acoustic Version)"


With your head up in the clouds

You try to win the race

You're the leader of the pack


The candle keeps burning from both ends

Until it's blowing out with a bang


When you think you know the game

You don't know anything at all

You cross the red line once again

Free fall

Hope you've learned your lesson well, my friend

'Cause there will always be a second chance


When you know where you come from

You know where you're going

Just because you're a child of your time

When you know where you come from

You back down for no one

Just be true to yourself, it's your life


And you keep driving down the highway of your life

There is no exit sign at all

There is a warning light that's flashing all the time

And only you can stop your downfall

And only you can stop your downfall


With your head up in the clouds

Your angels by your side

Someone up there keeps your dreams


The candle keeps burning from both ends

And the road calls your name once again


When you know where you come from

You know where you're going

Just because you're a child of your time

When you know where you come from

You back down for no one

Just be true to yourself, it's your life

Just be true to yourself, it's your life


Benji & Fede - Anni d'Oro Lyrics

 Benji & Fede - Anni d'Oro Lyrics Cosa vuol dire cadere? Dicono che sia questione di equilibrio e di stabilità Dimmi che cosa succed...